Day 83 – Streaky Bay to Adelaide

Streaky Bay is a quiet and pleasant village, and the caravan park had a lovely feel to it, with beach frontage. The beach itself couldn’t compare to many others we have seen on this trip, but it provided a good place for a runaround before today’s long trip.




The pelicans were out in force again.Image




I was keen to get a photo of them all flying and walked steadily towards them hoping it would encourage them to take off. But one of the group is clearly the protector, and outstared me. Here he is, fixing me with his enormous beady eye:


and again:




In the end, his very large beak proved too daunting!





We enjoyed the scenery around Port Augusta, where huge mountain ranges are so close to the sea. We were tempted to stop for a night at Mt Remarkable National Park, but now that Melbourne is within sniffing distance, the kids are more interested in pushing on (and staying in cabins wherever possible!). Certainly the fresh evening and morning temperatures are also a deterrent to camping.Image

2 thoughts on “Day 83 – Streaky Bay to Adelaide

  1. I’ve spent much of the last 24 hours in QLD following you all around Australia. I’m now up to date and what an amazing adventure!!! I feel like I’ve just read a Bill Bryson novel, only with much more beautiful descriptions. Jacob has been very interested in the photos and as I show him each creature (crocodiles, spiders, scorpions, snakes, dingoes etc) he asks “and did THAT one bite them?”. I say thankfully not. Lucky for Tommy’s bee sting in the earlier part of your trip or he may have lost faith in the perils of travel in the Australian bush and red country.

    Countless stories about your adventures from massive mines to exciting soap dispensers, hanging over gorges to swimming in waterfalls, driving through flood waters to ice creams in camp grounds…and an amazing array of photos to boot. You must be home fairly soon? I’m looking forward to seeing you all soon and hearing about your adventures in person. Xx

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